My boy is growing...and growing...and growing!
Just look at that belly!! He definitely has a dunlap!
"Who you callin' Dunlap?! You want a knuckle sandwich?!"
His latest thing is sticking his tongue out. It seemed like one day he realized he could do it and now he does it all the time!
I do this move in Pilates...its tough...he's got it down.
Elijah just HAD to take a picture with him. They are really in love. I love watching them!
So we can remember in 20 years...Lately we have not been getting much sleep. Jack has been up every few hours all night with POOP! Grrr...We've had a few people tell us its because he's teething...Beau thinks its because we're feeding him too many veggies at dinner....I don't know. All I do know is I'm sleepy and I'm tired of changing poopy diapers all day and all night! One day last week in 24 hours he pooped 10 times!!
Luke is doing that more often too (3-4 times per day instead of 1). I wondered if it was because of teething. 10 times sounds awful!