My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Girls Weekend (Plus Jack)

Beau and Elijah took their annual trip to Junction for the Men's Camping Trip.  Sadie was upset she couldn't go so I told her we would have a girls' weekend and she got all excited.  She had all these ideas that we would paint our toe/fingernails, fix our hair, "make" (bake) and on and on and on.
Jack helped me with the laundry before starting our weekend of fun.  By "help" I mean he scattered it all over the room, I would gather it back up, he would scatter, over and over...

Sadie put herself down for a nap Friday afternoon.  She was still recovering from her illness earlier in the week.

Friday night we stayed up late and watched a movie...

Saturday we got started on our project...cookies for the teachers at a local school.  It was my month to take treats.  They were having STAAR testing so we made star cookies...

Its probably the only time in my life I'll be grateful I have 3 different sized star cookie cutters.

All done!!

While we waited we painted our nails!!

Then we decided on a haircut.  Sadie wants to keep her hair long, but she needed a trim so we headed outside.


Looks much healthier...

A while later I was reading Sadie a book an noticed a piece of hair that was cut really short.  I thought I had just cut a bit too short, but when Sadie turned around and looked at me I noticed what the real problem was...

Yup.  She cut her own hair.  While I was messing with Jack and finishing the cookies.  Did I mention we have family pictures coming up soon?

I tried to fix it, but she cut the bangs in the front way too short...
I tried to be mad, but when you know something is inevitable (Sadie LOVES to cut things...she says its her favorite thing to do) its hard to be too mad.

She said she likes her hair much better now because it doesn't get in her eyes.  Can't argue with that much.  Except we did have a LONG talk about only cutting things AFTER you get permission!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

We Dedicate this Child

On Sunday, April 7th we had Jack's baby dedication at church. The congregation stood and pledge to help us raise this child in the Lord, to encourage us, and to pray for us.  We, then stood and dedicated ourselves to our sweet child.
My boy is so big.  And so handsome!!

"Did someone just say my name?"

Jack was given his first (story) Bible.  

I love this tradition.  I love hearing hundreds of people around us dedicating themselves to helping us raise our child.  I mostly love that the congregation we are a part of has really lived out that dedication.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pretty Pretty Princess

On Saturday, April 6th we had Sadie's 4th birthday party.  She wanted a princess party (of course).
The table greeted each guests with their favor bags.

The pinata!
I hung up a few extra princess dresses in case a "civilian" needed to borrow one.

The food table!

The cake!

I have so much fun at every party coming up with the food ideas.

"Try the grey stuff...its delicious.  Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!!"  From Beauty and the Beast!  It was black bean and sour cream dip.

A stromboli braid for Rapunzel


I caught these precious princesses praying together before we ate.

Singing "Happy Birthday" to our princess.

A few of the princesses...

I gave Jack some cake!

This kid has eating down!

I think he liked it!
 Passing out favor bags for the pinata...
 Sadie got the first and the last hit...

One of the funniest things was watching Sadie walk around in her dress.  Rob and Shelli Sellers gave her a whole princess packet of "beauty supplies".  One of the items was Cinderella press on nails.  I told her she had to wait on her party to wear them.  She was so excited when we put them on.  It was hilarious to watch her walk around not wanting to use her hands for anything.

Opening a few gifts.

We had a wonderful time celebrating this precious child.  Sadie is such a joy to us.  She is incredibly witty and funny.  She has so many facial expressions.  She still pronounces her L's as W's and I secretly hope it lasts a little longer.  I want time to slow down so I can relish this time with her even more.  I'm not sure what life would look like without her and I don't want to imagine it.  My heart is full of love.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Preparing for the Princess

For Sadie's birthday celebration at her school I made a cookie cake.  I made buttercream icing and decorated it.  Then I used M&Ms and went in a pattern all the way around.  I decided to attempt to pipe "Happy Birthday Sadie" on it (even though I'm horrible at it).  Well, as I was filling "Sadie" my icing bag burst!  There was no fixing it. 
So I ended up icing the whole thing.  I do not like icing. Oh well.  Sadie LOVED it!!

I had to work on her birthday so Beau sent me a picture before they left for school!!
I love this child.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sadie turns 4!

A budding photographer that we go to church with, Samantha, took Sadie's pictures a few weeks ago.  These are some of my favorites.
My girl and I

I love those big brown eyes.  I remember Beau telling me a long time ago (before Sadie came along) that he thought it was so striking when a girl has light colored hair and dark brown eyes.  How funny that his baby girl turned out that way!
Samantha caught Elijah trying to make Sadie laugh!

Elijah is the sweetest kid.  Today, for Sadie's birthday he decorated the hearth and gave her presents.  He gave her his map of the zoo (because she doesn't have one), some little finger lights (because she likes to have lights on when she goes to sleep), some money from his wallet and some candy.  No words.


I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Sam 1:27