My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Monday, September 24, 2012

This boy has my heart.

This has got to be the most precious boy that ever lived.  Let me tell you why...
He is a do-gooder to the core.  That's not why I love him, but it sure does help!  It is so precious though.  His kindergarten teacher emailed me recently and said she was doing an activity with the kids and glue.  She told them to put a dot of glue on their paper and a glob of glue on their paper (to show how much is the appropriate amount to use).  She noticed Elijah only had a dot.  When she asked him to make a glob he said he didn't want to.  She asked why and he told her "because you're not supposed to use that much glue...its not right."
He has been looking forward to going to the library at school.  Today he was so excited when he came home because he was finally able to check out a book.  We read it at bedtime (it was about dinosaurs).  A few minutes after I had the kids tucked into bed Elijah came into my room crying.  After I got him calmed down enough to talk I asked what was wrong.  He said he was so afraid the librarian was going to be mad at him because he took a book off of a shelf he wasn't supposed to.  He said she told the kids to pick a book off a certain shelf.  He said he didn't like any of the books on that shelf so he found one on another shelf that he liked and he checked that one out.  Now he is upset with himself and is afraid the librarian and his teacher will be mad at him.  I told him he just needs to talk to the librarian and tell her he thinks he took a book off the wrong shelf.  He stopped me and said "no, I did it on purpose, I can't say 'I think'".  He asked if they will be mad at him (not if he will be in trouble).  I told him they may be disappointed in him and he may have some consequences, but they will still love him and be glad he was honest with them.  He decided he needs to take the book back and apologize to his teacher and the librarian.  I am almost certain he misunderstood and was allowed to get any book, but he's afraid he did something wrong and needs to make it right.
When Janice came over for her birthday dinner a few weeks ago he gave her a dollar.  He said she always gives him money for his birthday so he wanted to give her a dollar for her birthday (it was his own money).
I got on to him once for saying what I made for dinner was disgusting and he didn't like it.  We talked about tact.  Now he will say every night for dinner "Thank you so much for cooking this for me, Mom."  If he doesn't like it he'll say something like "Thank you for making this, but its not my favorite...its still good though...thank you."
I noticed today he didn't eat all of his sandwich I had packed him for lunch.  When I asked him about it he said he didn't really like it.  He said, "I do really like this fish, Mom (I made baked fish for dinner) I would really like to take some of it in my lunch tomorrow."  What 6 year old wants to take fish in his lunch?
He is such a joy.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sissy goes to school

Sadie started back to preschool this week.  She was so ready (but not more ready than me! ha). 
Last week we had Meet the Teacher night and she got to meet her new teacher...Mrs. Whitney...
 She was lacking in the cooperation department during picture time.
But she did want to take a picture with her friend, Carsyn.  I don't think the director was thinking clearly when she put them in the same class!  Ha!  Poor Mrs. Whitney.

On the first day I tried to get more pictures.  This was the first attempt...

Then I asked her to smile like a princess would smile...

Heading to the truck with her new big girl backpack!

One last picture of my big girl...

When I picked her up I asked how her day went.  She started in on a long story of her day.  I noticed she was saying Mrs Witney's name wrong.  I corrected her and she got upset..."No, Mom...its Mrs Wintey!"  I went back and forth with her for a minute (mostly because it was fun watching her get so upset telling me it's Mrs Wintey!).  She had a great day and Jack and I had a great time together.  My babies are growing up.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

3 Months Old!!

My sweet little boy is 3 months old!!
He continues to be a wonderful and easy baby! (If he would just sleep through the night!!)
"But Mom, don't you want to hang out with me for an hour or two every night?"

Sadie kept begging to let her and Elijah in a this is for her...

For his 3 month celebration I'm giving him cereal!  I have pretty much diagnosed him with silent reflux and am trying everything I can before taking him to the doctor for medication.  The last thing to try was putting cereal in his bottle to "weigh down" his feeding and hopefully keep it from "revisiting" and causing discomfort.  I decided to see if he could handle just a spoonful or so of cereal (with a bit of applesauce for flavor).  Yup!  Ate a few spoonfuls and then cried when I stopped feeding him!
Tonight he had a whole bowl of cereal and 4 oz of milk before bed.  If that doesn't keep him asleep til morning I give up!  Its really not that bad.  At least he's pleasant in the middle of the night.  No crying, he's all smiles, just wants to hang out for a while.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Go Rockets!

Friday night was our first football game.  We got pretty used to going last year.  This year Elijah was able to become a Rocket Launcher.  He gets to run out onto the field before the game (and he'll get to do other special stuff through out the year).  Sadie also got a cheerleader uniform this year (thanks to Janice)!
It was SO hot!  Can you see how red Sadie's cheeks are?

My little weirdos.  Sadie is yelling "Cheeeeese"...

I was a little worried about Jack.  He is usually in bed around 8pm (the game didn't start til 7:30pm) and he doesn't do well with a lot of noise.  He did great though!  He got passed all around...spending most of his time with Rob and Shelli.  When he was an hour past time to eat I asked Shelli how he was doing and he hadn't made a peep.  I told her to go ahead and offer him a bottle.  She said he drank it in about 2 gulps!  He just sat and looked around the whole time.  He LOVES being outside!  I left with him after half time.  He really is an awesome baby!

Sadie liked watching the half time shows, but thought it was a little loud...

I didn't get any pictures of Elijah because he was off with his friends the whole time.  He would show up every now and then to get a drink and check in.  Its fun watching him grow up, but man...I could stand to hang on to him a little longer!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sissy's first haircut

There is not a day that goes by that some one does not comment on Sadie's hair.  It really is the most beautiful color.  Its hard to describe.  It's not blonde, it's not red.  It has all different colors in it and it's just beautiful.  We don't know where it came from, but we love it.  She was also born with quite a lot of curl.  We don't really know where that came from either. 
However, over the past few months I've noticed it was really damaged at the ends.  It really needed to be cut, but I just hated to cut off any length or any curl.  Finally, on Friday I couldn't take it any more.  It was looking really sad so I decided to at least cut off the damaged portion hoping to make it look a little better.
Does anyone else notice how grown up she looks!?
Super long, but pretty stringy...

She wanted to go out and sit on Beau's truck for me to cut it...just like Elijah.  I put the cape on her and she said "Oh wow...I look just like a super hero!  Or Jesus!"  Okaaaay.


So far it looks like most of the curl may be gone, but it looks so much healthier!  I didn't get a very good after picture because she really wanted double braids for the football game and it was tim to go so we ran in and braided it.  Don't worry, though...I saved a few curls!

Rocket Launchers

This year Elijah is able to become a Rocket Launcher.  He gets a special t-shirt and gets to run out onto the field before every home game.  He was really excited!  Extra points to anyone who can find him in the crowd!!