My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tell me again why we have all these kids?

The weekend after New Year's Day we went to Alvin for our annual Christmas/Grayson's birthday celebrations.  We arrived on Wednesday and went to Bibby and John's for a delicious roast favorite meal by Bibby (its the same meal she brought us after Elijah was born!).  They gave Elijah, Sadie and Jack their traditional pjs and a toy.  I was having some allergy problems and didn't get a single picture!  Elijah and Grant were allowed to spend the night and had a wonderful slumber party.  They felt so grown up! 
We had our Ballard/Scogin gift exchange on Friday night.  Before opening our presents I wanted to get a picture of all the kids together.  I'm apparently a bit of an over achiever.  They are all together in "most" of the pictures, but I guess wanting them to all look at the camera was a pipe dream and smiling while all looking...not. going. to. happen.
Here's the run down.
Of course Elijah is looking and smiling.  Grant and Grayson are obviously bored to death.  Sadie is pre-occupied and Jack is fascinated by the pattern on the rug.

Sadie must have made some sort of joke (or noise)...

At least this time Jack is looking in the general direction of the camera.  Grant and Grayson...still bored.  Sadie...who knows.

Ummm...not really sure what Grant is trying to accomplish.  I love that Grayson's face has not changed in any of the pictures.
We are swirling the drain...

No words.  Grant showing off his manicure.  Elijah is showing off his molars. Grayson has been possessed.  Jack is scared.  Sadie...who knows.

In an attempt to try to get every kid to look at the camera I asked everyone to say how old they are.  Grayson...evil spirits are gone, boredom is back.  Poor baby Jack...he looks worried.  He hasn't spent enough time around this group yet.
This time I said to act like your favorite animal.  Once again I love Jack's expression. 
By the way, Aimee, Sadie is doing her Grayson face to Grayson...makes me giggle. 

Then I thought we'd get artistic.  Bad idea.
Where's Grayson, you ask??
 He appears to be the only sane one in the group.
When we opened gifts I was so excited about the gift I made Grayson.  He loves to help Aimee in the kitchen and he loves hats.  I made him an apron that says "Mommy's Little Sous Chef" and a chef's hat.  Pay no attention to his face...he loved it.  I'm almost certain.
He also loved his Cookie Monster socks.
 Saturday was Grayson's birthday party.  It was a construction cute!!

We had to leave shortly after Grayson blew out the candles.  It was a great week!  We love our Alvin family!!!

That sums up our Christmas holiday!

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