My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not exactly how I planned it

On Thursday (June 7th) I took Jack to his first appointment with his pediatrician.  Since I delivered at a different hospital from the one our pediatrician works at we needed to let Dr Popejoy see Jack.  He was one week old that day so she was able to count it as his 2 week appointment.

I rushed around the house to get us off in time.  As I put Jack in his car seat I noticed we were in matching outfits.  There wasn't time to change either one of us and both of our wardrobes are so limited I may not have been able to change us any way.  Oh well.  Before heading to the doctor's office I went to the YMCA to sign the kids up for swim lessons since they wouldn't let me do it over the phone.  I parked right in front, got Jack out and headed inside.  A few steps into my very short journey I realized I can't carry the carrier with him in it.  It was just too heavy for my still-healing body.  I hobbled in to the Y the best I could and sat him down.  I got the kids all registered and headed back to the car.  I barely made it.

As I drove to the doctor's office I was just shy of panicked.  The walk from the parking lot to the doctor's office is far.  There was no way I was going to make it.  On top of that I had no stroller and no sling/carrier.  I didn't have time to go home or even stop by any friends houses to get anything.  I was just going to have to carry him.

As you may know it takes 2 arms to carry a week old baby.  So I have my big ole diaper bag and my matching baby.  People had to open doors for me and they were looking at me so funny.  I just held my head high and walked in.  As I walked up to the counter to introduce us he lets out a massive poop.  I try to explain why I'm carrying him and why we're matching because they are looking at me like I'm crazy.  They give me a clipboard full of paperwork and send me to the newborn waiting room.  As I'm sitting there trying to balance him and fill out the paperwork I realize he's sitting on my white shorts and I don't know how big his blowout is (is it leaking onto my white shorts?).  Just then the doctor walks by and says hi, then seems to assess the situation and her face immediately changes to confusion.  I try to explain myself and my matching baby.  She leaves and says she'll be right back (I'm sure she's on her way to give CPS a heads up.  I take Jack to change him, but of course some one is in the bathroom so I just change him on one of the counters (no one was around).  She returns and says she will help me get to a room so I won't have to move again.  So the doctor is leading me through the room with all the nurses and doctors carrying my clipboard and my diaper bag.  When we get in the room I explain myself again and tell her its our first trip out of the house and I just haven't gotten back into the baby mindset.  I felt like such an idiot.

The rest of the appointment went well.  Jack was down to 9 lbs 1 oz which is still around the 90th % and his length puts him around 90-95%.

I left there 2 hours later promising to get my act together (and put the stroller in the car).

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, at Hudson's 2 week appt. we made it to the Dr.'s office and after about 5 min. I realized my 2year old had dirtied his diaper followed shortly by Hudson dirtying his britches and I had left the diaper bag at home. Luckily Graham had 1 clean diaper in the car and the receptionist gave me a newborn diaper for Hudson. I firmly believe in post-pregnancy brain ;)
