My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Brother's Day

Right around the time of Mother's Day and Father's Day Elijah asked why there's not a Brother's Day or Sister's Day.  We didn't really have a good explanation so the conversation lead to us putting Brother's Day and Sister's Day on the calendar.  Well, Brother's Day was August 24th!  Elijah was so excited!!  He said there had to be gifts (since I got chocolates on Mother's Day) and we had to have his favorite meal (since I did that for Beau on Father's Day).  The Friday before Beau had come across some inexpensive Hawaiian Falls tickets so we took Elijah and Sadie.  Well Elijah thought that was for Brother's Day. 
When they woke up that morning  I had a gift for the boys and a big breakfast!
 I love these boys!
I love that basically putting anything in a bag with tissue paper makes it a great gift!  Elijah got a action figure carry case (from a garage sale) and some Star Wars underwear and Jack got a movie (ha!  all stuff I had in the "gift closet"!) 

I made Elijah's favorite: Potato Soup.  Nothing like soup in August!  Then we did Elijah's other favorite...Family Game Night!!
And to top it all off our cat, Sparkly Girl had her kittens on Brother's Day!!  What more could Elijah ask for!!
I love these boys!!  Happy Brother's Day!

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