My life is filled with blessings. I have a fabulous husband. I have 3 beautiful children. My house is a mess and
there are chickens in my backyard. What more could you want out of life?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Her Final Bunny Trail

As I sit here in my booth at a craft fair thoughts of my friend consume my thoughts.  I met Jo Carol about 12 years ago when I started dating Beau.  I knew instantly we would be friends forever.  We shared so many of the same loves and passions.  We lived in Abilene for the year we were engaged and our first year of marriage.  During that time Beau was working the evening shift at a local feed production company.  Jo Carol would so often invite me over to spend the evenings with her and her family.  We went to garage sales, volleyball games and she even trusted me with keeping her beloved Lucy for a whole weekend!  She taught me about crafting, shared recipes with me and helped me throw parties.  I was in love.
One of my fondest memories was when she hosted my nursing school graduation party.  She decorated in Little Tykes Medical Equipment.  I loved it!  She was so gracious.  My kids still play with those toys and I am reminded of her every time I see them. 
Come to think of it, I'm reminded of her all the time.  There's not a room in my house I can't go into that doesn't have her influence in it.  It either has something she gave me, made me, taught me how to make or inspired me to do. 
She's gone.
It's even hard to type.  I just can't believe it.  She was larger than life.  How can she be gone?  Why would God take such a wonderful person?  One of his warriors?  I have no answers. 
I quickly forgot that she wasn't MY family.  She was Beau's aunt, not mine.  That's how she made you feel, though.  You WERE her family!  I told Beau on the way to the funeral that I just felt like we were so close!  Then I said, but I think that's how everyone must feel.  She had that gift of making you feel like you mattered, that you were important to her, that you were family.  Then, at the memorial service person after person said just that.  I think Beau was bruised from all the elbow jabs I gave him while saying, "I told you!"
Just the other day I picked up my phone to call her about some of my crafting stuff.  It hit me again.  I think it'll be a long time before that quits happening.  A few years ago she gave me a nest necklace.  If you know me you've seen it.  I wear it almost every day.  Then, being the gracious person she is she taught me how to make them.  Now I bless others with them.  Every time I make them I see her sitting next to me and hear her voice teaching the steps.  Every time I see a nest I thank God for blessing me with her. 
I have a few regrets.  I regret not taking pictures with her.  I regret not talking to her more in the last few months.  But I never dreamed it would be her last few months. 
She would always say she was constantly going off on bunny trails...constantly on the move creating something new, doing something exciting.  Well, now she's gone down her last bunny trail and I know its the one she most wanted to go down.
When I had to tell Elijah she was going to die he was instantly crushed.  She had been so wonderful to my kids, sending them gifts on their birthdays, coming to their parties, entertaining them when we visited.  He said, "I don't want Jo Carol to die."  I said "neither do I."  Then he said, "But she's going to Heaven and that's AWESOME!"  She's going to get to see all the people we read about in our Bible."  Oh the sweet thoughts of a child.  But I'm selfish, I want her here.  I want my kids to remember her.  I want her grand daughter, Claire to know her.  But I know she would want me to rejoice so I push thru and try. 
There are some people you come into your life and change it forever.  She was one of my people.  My kindred spirit.  I'll miss her the rest of my life.  I'll think about her often.  I'll continue down my own bunny trails and hope to see a little glimpse of her all along the way.
If you would like to read her obituary it's HERE

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bedroom Makeover!

I've basically decorated every room in our house except ours.  A few years ago we sold our bedroom furniture and since then I've just never really gotten involved in redecorating.  Once I decided what I was wanted it was so fun! 
Lets start with the befores.

More Bleh.  One problem was our curtains weren't heavy enough to block out our neighbor's lights at night. 

I found these bedside tables at a junk shop and knew they had just the potential I was looking for.

After a coat of Kilz...
And now the afters...
A new warmer coat of paint, a shelf above the bed, some new bedding...TA DA!!  I made a sign to go above our bed on the new shelf.  It reads  First we had each other (June 14, 2003) Then we had you (Elijah October 14, 2006  Sadie April 4, 2004  Jack May 31, 2012) Now we have everything.

One of my favorite new curtains.  They are made from drop cloth!  Thanks to the magic of Pinterest I found out drop cloth is a great fabric...its heavy, durable, washable and just the color I was looking for!  I knocked off the curtains I saw on Anthropology!  I paid...oh about...1/4 of the price...if that! 

 I also repainted a bedside table to go between our chairs.

Some sweet touches...this bouquet was used in our wedding.  And I love seeing my sweet boy every morning.

And my tables!!!  Put them up on legs and I'm in love!!

I used our old lamps.  I removed a ribbon and made some sweet fabric flowers!  Instant upgrade!

I also love my new pillows.  I used more drop cloth!  I made some euros with ruffles and embroidered some Mr & Mrs pillows.

This bouquet is the one I used in my bridal portraits and the picture is from our 10th wedding anniversary.

I upcycled another one of our lamps.  It was brass (so outdated) so I painted it blue to match our bedding.  I have more plans for the shade...

I also made a new bedskirt out guessed it...dropcloth!! I'm in love with all the ruffles!

I'm still looking for a new BIG dresser and have a few other little ideas, but overall I'm in love with my new room!!